5 Reasons Kids Need Homework


5 Reason kids need homework

5 Reasons Kids Need Homework

The benefits of homework has been debated by teachers and parents for years as the very word evokes very negative connotations to every involved, students, parents and teachers. Although many people think of homework as doing more harm than good by causing copious amounts of unnecessary stress to everyone, others believe that it has great advantages for children by encouraging them to think more independently outside the classroom.

The Benefits

The first benefit of homework is that it allows students and teachers to work more closely together. They can discuss their assignments or any problems that they are having with parts of their textbooks, before or after classes. Continue reading

5 Reasons They Don’t

no homework

no homework

5 Reasons They Don’t

The Potential Harm

The first reason that children should not be given homework is that they need time to relax and take their minds off work. The pressure of having to complete homework every night is quite daunting for most children and they need time to refresh their minds and bodies.

Secondly, it reduces the amount of time that children could be spending with their families. Family time is especially important to a growing child and without it social problems can crop up and a family unit can be compromised by a lack of time being spent together. Continue reading

English is important for a job

why-learn-english How important are English skills to get a job?

The ability to speak English well is one of the most important things that newcomers need to gain employment. Those with strong English skills will become employable much faster than those who have only basic English skills. There are some jobs where English skills are not as important, but they tend to be jobs that will not pay a very high wage. Written English skills are also very important to many employers.

Improving your English skills can take as long as two or more years. You want to get started as quickly as possible and take every opportunity you can to speak English to others. Continue reading

Perbandingan kurikulum 4 negara


perbandingan kurikulum 4 negara



Buku Campbell yang merupakan salah satu rujukan dari berbagai negara tidak selalu digunakan dalam penyampaian materi biologi di setiap negara. Hal ini dikarenakan pada buku Campbell yang tersusun secara sistematis, mulai dari pengenalan cabang ilmu biologi, ruang lingkup, hirarki kehidupan terkecil sampai terbesar dan interaksinya dengan lingkungan, bertentangan dengan teori piaget sebagaimana diungkapkan oleh Piaget yakni adanya 5 tahapan perkembangan yaitu tahap sensorik-motorik (usia 0-2 tahun), tahap prekonsep (usia 2-4 tahun), tahap intuisi (usia 4-7 tahun), tahap operasional konkrit (usia 7-11 tahun) dan tahap operasinal formal (usia 11-15 tahun). Sehingga menurut piaget proses berpikir siswa seharusnya dari kongkrit ke abstrak. Continue reading

Sejarah UMY


Sejarah UMY

UMY pertama didirikan tahun 1981 yang dalam sejarahnya merupakan penggalan dari FKIP dirian Pimpinan Pusat Muhammadiyah Majelis Pengajaran di tahun 1960
Pada awal berdiri, Rektor UMY dipercayakan kepada Brigjen TNI ( purn )  Drs. H. Bakri Sjahid, yang saat itu sudah selesai masa tugasnya sebagai rektor IAIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta. Rektor berikutnya dipercayakan kepada Ir.HM Dasron Hamid, M.Sc.akan tetapi karena proses permintaan izin menteri belum selesai, maka ditunjuk salah seorang sesepuh Muhammadiyah, HM.H Mawardi menjadi rektor. setelah turun izin menteri, ditetapkan kembali Ir. HM Dasron Hamid sebagai Rektor UMY.  Continue reading

Sejarah Bangka


Pulau Bangka

Sejarah mengungkapkan bahwa Pulau Bangka pernah dihuni oleh orang-orang Hindu dalam abad ke-7. pada masa Kerajaan Sriwijaya pula Bangka termasuk pula sebagai daerah yang takluk dari kerajaan yang besar itu. Demikian pula kerajaan Majapahit dan Mataram tercatat pula sebagai kerajaan-kerajaan yang pernah menguasai Pulau Bangka. Continue reading